Topics in Vascular Access is a blog created for vascular access and infusion specialists from all disciplines.
Each week a new topic from a Guest Blogger will be posted.
Guest Bloggers share experiences, thoughts and ideas that focus on our specialty. The blog provides an
opportunity to dialog with others in a non-commercial setting. We encourage you to participate through comments.
If you have questions, ideas or would like information on a specific subject please comment on the Blog page or click on the
“email vascular admin” on the right side of the screen.
This resource has been created for anyone who is interested in vascular access. We encourage questions, replies/responses,
insight, or advice or information to be shared with other Vascular Access Specialists. It may take up to 24 hours after
posting in the comments area before it appears on the Blog.
Join us today for lively discussion on Topics in Vascular Access.
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